

The time will come…

Time does not exist; the perception of time is fluctuating, blurred. There are no hours, no minutes, no seconds. It is just a mechanical invention of human kind, a means of measurement and control. Invented and elaborated to absolute perfection, installed as a part of our reality. Yes, we all feel time passing, going at a different pace in different moments of life. Eventually, time brings change.

Change, to a different state of mind/reality/life- evolution. I see many civilizations through history of human kind being born, rise and fall; our civilization is not an exception. We are not unique. The time will come. Now many feel it coming, the grand collapse/change. Will the change bring us to a better world or one far worse? Time will tell. We can try to control it, but there are so many things beyond our control.

I would like to see a new, better civilization arise from the collapse of the one mankind now knows. Where we could look above/beyond/past all the ideologies and free from the shells that separate our bodies, dividing us into groups and subcultures. I would like a more unified way of living, closer together, similar to tribal groups and with respect to all living organisms.

On some level we all are one. All are unified in space and time, yet we are still fighting against it. We will slowly realize it when we stop and think and imagine for a bit. Then, all the political and social systems will become useless, mechanisms of pointless labor will be jammed. No more wasteful production of food, no more raping of the land, no more factories, nor poisons. When people come to the realization that the paper lining their pockets is of no value, the monetary system presently utilized will crumble. When we realize that money is nothing more than means of control of reach that are dwelling in their glass castles, protected by faceless robocops. When we come to this realization, the illusion of freedom and democracy will disappear and the ugly truth of the dictatorship of capitalism and its money will appear.

The time will come!

Take a deep breath, feel your body – the grate biological machine capable of doing many incredible things.

Feel the world surrounding you with all its plants, creatures, and immortal rocks rising up from the earth, the hot burning sun in the sky, and its cold crystal clear water.

Exhale the air…   The future is always perfect, but today is a gift, that is why it is called the present.

Your time is now!